Learn Angular from Scratch

angular troubleshooting

Troubleshoot ng command on Windows 10

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What to do when npm -g install @angular/cli does not work? Here's a simple solution for this problem.


Angular 8 tips and tricks

Saturday, November 2, 2019

In this ever-expanding article, we list a number of Angular tips, tricks, and gotchas, obtained through day-to-day work with the Angular framework.

javascript angular beginners

Should I first learn vanilla JavaScript or Angular?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

It's hard to choose what to learn in web development when there are so many options: should I learn vanilla JS or a framework like Angular? Find the answer in this article.

angular beginners data

Working with data in Angular 8, part 3

Monday, September 9, 2019

In this intro tutorial on working with data in Angular, we'll learn how to loop over some data and additionally, use ng-container in our code.

angular beginners data

Working with data in Angular 8, part 2

Friday, September 6, 2019

In this beginner-friendly article we continue our exploration of how to work with data in Angular.

angular beginners data

Working with data in Angular 8, part 1

Friday, September 6, 2019

How to work with data in Angular? That's what this beginner-friendly tutorial is about. Using a simple, practical example, we get started understanding working with data in Angular.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Conditionally showing a text area if a checkbox is checked in Angular 8

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

This Angular tutorial covers a specific use case involving a checkbox which is checked when the app loads. Clicking the checkbox will change the word 'OK' to 'NOT OK', and turn on a textarea to add a comment. If a user clicks the checkbox again after typing a comment, they'll need to confirm that they're cancelling their comment text. In other words, clicking OK erases any possibility of adding...

bootstrap angular

Rebuilding a Bootstrap 4 pricing example layout in Angular 8

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

This tutorial shows how to build a pricing table theme using the popular Angular framework by Google.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Rebuilding an example Bootstrap 4 layout in Angular 8

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

In this tutorial, we'll rebuild an example Bootstrap 4 layout in Angular 8. We'll follow a simple component-building recipe, add a few components, and use a repeater technique to repeat one single card component into 12 repeated components.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Working with ngx-bootstrap's typeahead component in Angular 8

Monday, September 2, 2019

How to get the typeahead functionality to work in ngx-bootstrap? Find out in this tutorial.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Working with ngx-bootstrap's rating, sortable, timepicker, and tooltip components in Angular 8

Sunday, September 1, 2019

How to work with ngx-bootstrap's rating, sortable, timepicker, and tooltip components in Angular 8? Learn with this blog post from walk-though step by step examples and supporting ready-to-use source-code on Stackblitz.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Working with ngx-bootstrap modals, pagination, popover, and progress bars in Angular 8

Friday, August 30, 2019

In this tutorial, we'll work with ngx-bootstrap modals, pagination, popovers, and progress-bar components. We'll see how they work in a live Stackblitz example.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Working with ngx-bootstrap buttons, carousel, datepicker, and dropdowns in Angular 8

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Learn how to work with ngx-bootstrap components: buttons, carousel, datepicker, adn dropdowns; practical examples and live Stackblitz implementation provided.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Working with ngx-bootstrap alerts in Angular 8

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How to work with alerts in ngx-bootstrap? In this tutorial, we'll go through the steps of adding and manipulating alerts in ngx-bootstrap using Stackblitz.

bootstrap angular ngx-bootstrap

Working with ngx-bootstrap tabs in Angular 8

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How to use ngx-bootstrap tabs in Angular 8? Read about it in this article with detailed instructions.

bootstrap angular

How to prototype Bootstrap 4 layouts with Angular 8, part 2

Monday, August 26, 2019

Use ngx-bootstrap to build a Bootstrap-styled navbar with the help of the collapse component. Step-by-step instructions are supported by GitHub commits and a live code example. We'll also examine how to animate our navigation toggle.

bootstrap angular

How to prototype Bootstrap 4 layouts with Angular 8, part 1

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Use ngx-bootstrap to build a simple accordion component from scratch. This tutorial is available on GitHub as well. Follow this guide while we build the ngx-bootstrap accordion step by step. The live code example is also available.

angular beginners

Add a custom pipe to Angular 8

Thursday, August 22, 2019

In this hands-on tutorial, learn how to add a custom pipe to your Angular app. Live code example available on Stackblitz (link inside the tutorial).

angular beginners

Building Apps With Angular

Monday, April 29, 2019

Angular app ideas can be found in this list of Angular apps that one can build while learning Angular. Some of the apps in this list are actual tutorials, others are just app ideas.

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